Who inherits your home? The effect of a survivorship destination

Who inherits your home? The effect of a survivorship destination

Who inherits your home? The effect of a survivorship destination Most people do not realise how much power a few words in their property title can have over their estate planning. In the 80s and 90s it was common to have survivorship destination in joint property titles. It was thought that when one of the […]

Gillian Gaffney joins maloco mowat parker

Photo of Gillian Gaffney, Solicitor

As football fans will know the transfer window has just closed and like all the top teams, we’ve taken the opportunity to strengthen our own squad. As a result we are delighted to introduce Gillian Gaffney who has just joined us as a solicitor. Gillian was brought up in Strathmiglo but now lives in Dalgety […]

The price is right …or is it?

Are some estate agents over-valuing homes to gain instructions? (Senior Valuer and Property Director Keiran Newman and Consultant Michael Maloco tackle this vexed and contentious issue.) I won’t lie, nine months into my consultancy and I am enjoying my “almost-retirement” immensely. We’ve travelled a fair amount – both home and abroad, spent time with family, […]

What happens when you die and you haven’t made a Will?

Image with a notebook entitled "Intestacy" wiht a drawing of a house on the cover to describer what happens if you haven't made a Will

Sometimes people assume that when they die, their nearest and dearest will automatically inherit their estate. They might think that everything they own will go to their spouse or civil partner and they don’t have to worry about anything else. However, the reality is somewhat different. When you make a Will, you can direct what […]

How can you find out how much your house is worth?

Photo of a wooden house over printed with the question of hou must is your house worth

When you are budgeting for a house move, it is important to work out how much your house is worth. There are quite a few options to check out the value of your house. Indeed, our pre-sale valuation service is one of the most popular pages on our website. It is used by clients and […]

Liferent Trust Wills: Their Purpose and Benefits

image of a model house with an umbrella over it and a shield with a tick beside it signifying a liferent trust Will

In recent years, many have considered placing their homes into family protection trusts to avoid future care costs. While this may seem prudent, it can lead to unforeseen challenges for you and your loved ones. The likelihood of such a trust failing is quite high, and there are several pros and cons to consider. Why […]

What is a Trust and how does it work?

Abstract image of hands supporting an outline of a house with model people in it and a heart describing what is a Trust

Generally, Trusts are legal arrangements made by people to manage their assets and are commonly used in estate and Inheritance Tax (IHT) planning. The essential element to remember is that once assets are put into a Trust, the owner of those assets no longer personally owns them. The Trust becomes the owner of the assets […]


A new chapter Aging. It comes to us all. Time marches relentlessly on and life changes. Chapters end and new chapters begin. The good news and take it from someone who has recently retired from full time practice, is that it’s a lot less scary than it might seem in the abstract. For many, although […]

What does the election mean for the housing market?

So now we know the date. We go to the polls on the 4th July to decide whether we have a further five years of Conservative rule or whether the nation feels it’s time for change and a first Labour Government in fourteen years. But what do elections mean for the property market? The answer […]

Teamwork makes the dreamwork

Buying and selling property is stressful – fact. It is however possible to manage that stress and, as my four year old grandson often tells me during our Lego and Magnatile marathons, “teamwork makes the dreamwork”. In this article we look at why the process of moving home can be a nervy experience and what […]