Keiran Newman

Keiran Newman

Property Director

What was the first record / CD you bought or song you downloaded
I’m convinced it was the Red Hot Chili Peppers but there is every chance it was the Spice Girls or Westlife!
First Memory
Being on a shopping trip to the Gyle with my mum when a ‘friendly’ clown thought it would be a good idea to introduce himself. Needless to say until the age of 10 I would not go back.
Childhood dream job
Jedi Knight (I would not be told otherwise).
Your favourite cuisine
Pizza or a curry.
Your favourite dessert
Chocolate brownies.
Favourite holiday destination
Santa Monica and LA in general.
Name one item on your bucket list
Visit as many states in the USA as possible. Managed to tick of a fair few but still plenty to go!
Principal tasks at maloco mowat parker
Undertaking pre sale valuations for prospective clients, preparing reports, quotations, schedules etc. and where required, undertaking price reviews with clients and negotiators to ensure successful sales. In my Property Director role, I am also responsible for the day to day operations of maloco mowat parker, ensuring not only the team, but business runs smoothly.